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"All things come from and flow through nature"


Beth Deuble was born in Wisconsin in the early 50s.  The small town setting on two beautiful lakes in Oconomowoc and the surrounding marshlands had a strong early affect on Beth's love of nature. Beth began writing poetry and drawing in her early years.

As a high school student in Southern California in the 60s, Beth learned wood working and drafting. Exposure to drafting led to Beth's interest in architecture, in particular fellow Wiscon-sonian, Frank Lloyd Wright. The study of space and line and form would influence and inform her later work.

In 1969, Beth began her three year study of Kundalini yoga under the late yogi master, Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji, or Yogi Bhajan. This was the beginning of her life long devotion to Eastern thought, particularly Tibetan philosophy. At the same time she was starting to explore the local deserts ( Ocotillo Wells, Borrego, and Yuma). Like many during this period she experimented with psychedelics and sought out natural environments which enhanced her aesthetic views and informed her artistic expression.

Beth traveled the United States in 1970 and while in Wisconsin returned to her home town where she visited Horicon Marsh, a 32,000 acre state wildlife preserve that shelters thousands of migrating Canadian geese and duck and blue heron. Beth's interest in birds and fascination in their free flight has been a passion ever since. She is a devoted supporter of several wildlife organizations to help protect the biological diversity of our planets endangered wildlife.

Beth attended ASU in the mid-70s studying photojournalism and while she continues to experiment and work in varied fields of media, first and foremost is photography. During the time Beth lived in Arizona in the 70s, she took the time to explore the beautiful deserts and mountains of the state. This deepened her appreciation of open desert spaces with their expanding horizon line and spartan beauty - themes of fragility and ruggedness repeatedly appear in her work.

Returning to live in Southern California in the early 80s, Beth continued her interest in photography. While she had amassed a large library of transparencies, many will never be converted to digital due to the sheer size of the task and related costs.

Making the switch to digital in the late 90s, Beth has since rebuilt her collection of work. She has spent the last 10 years expanding her skills into other art disciplines, allowing her a full range of tools to express different aspects of her lifes interests.

In each discipline she has been influenced by many artists who have come before. Here is a short list of those: Georgia O'Keefe, Alfred Stieglitz, Ansel Adams, Ed Weston, Man Ray, Imogen Cunningham, Richard Avedon, Hermann Hesse, Carl Jung, Virginia Woolf, Arthur Penn, Alfred Hitchcock, Sam Maloof, John Marin, Agnes Martin, Wassily Kandinsky, Joan Miro, Picasso, Paul Gauguin, Paul Jenkins, Mark Tobey, Jackson Pollock, Lee Krasner, Duncan Grant, Vanessa Bell, Van Gogh, Paul Cezanne.

It is Beth's hope that her work will be professionally shown and she is currently seeking gallery representation.


Beth Profile

Located in Southern California, Beth Deuble is a multi-discipline artist with special emphasis on photography and painting.

Austin Arbor

"Arbor in Mid-day" located at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas.


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